HOPE Program

HOPE Program

Centre Care is committed to continuing its mission of enriching the lives of the residents of Centre County by providing compassionate health and living services.

The HOPE Program stands for Helping Our seniors through Programming Engagement

Put simply, the team at Centre Care will provide local seniors with online and digital programming as well as self-directed activity projects to help them feel more connected to their local community and peers who live in Centre County.

The main goal of this program is to reduce social isolation and inactivity. This will be achieved through a variety of programs, including but not limited to:

  • Monthly educational sessions (home safety, nutritional education) 
  • Music and arts (live music, craft programs, book club, poetry club)
  • Peer support (coffee and chats, current event discussions, and support groups)
  • Healthy meals (meal presentations, monthly menu presentations, and healthy eating discussions)
  • Intergenerational (adopt a grandparent program with local schools, bingo with cub scouts, and educational session to younger population on a topic that the client is expert in)
  • Exercise
  • Spiritual/religious
  • Games (bingo, Jeopardy! and wheel of fortune)

Access to online services and a smart device are not prerequisites for this program. Each participant will be mailed a monthly program packet. This packet will include projects and activities for individuals to complete on their own either alongside the digital programming or as a stand-alone activity. These projects and be submitted back to the HOPE program and will be displayed and recognized by members of the Centre County community including Centre Care residents.

Eligibility Requirements

Centre Care partners with the Community Health Choices Services Coordinators to identify viable candidates for the program. A referral is required to access the resources currently.

HOPE Program Member

Are you a program participant? Head to the login page to get started

HOPE Program Member Page

*Enter the password provided by your Community Health Choices Service Coordinator. If your password does not work, and you are a member of the program, please reach out to your Service Coordinator or your Centre Care HOPE Coordinator. The password can also be found on the monthly program packet.

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